- All Inclusions(726)
- Plant, Fungus(植物, 真菌)(88)
- Mermithida (索虫目)(3)
- Haplotaxida (单向蚓目)(1)
- Euonychophora (有爪目)(1)
- Gastropoda( 腹足纲-蜗牛, 贝类)(28)
- Myriapoda (多足纲)(13)
- Crustacea(甲壳纲)(3)
- Vertebrata(脊椎动物)(118)
- Arachnoidea(蛛形纲)(99)
- Diptera(双翅目)(14)
- Hemiptera(半翅目)(49)
- Coleoptera(鞘翅目)(70)
- Hymenoptera(膜翅目)(45)
- Trichoptera, Lepidoptera( 毛翅目, 鳞翅目)(5)
- Phasmida, Notoptera(竹节虫目, 蛩蠊目)(3)
- Dictyoptera(网翅目)(23)
- Embioptera, Orthoptera(纺足目, 直翅目)(14)
- Neuroptera, Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Mecoptera (脉翅目, 蛇蛉目, 长翅目, 广翅目)(47)
- Ephemeroptera, Odonata(蜉蝣目, 蜻蜓目)(14)
- Thysanura(缨尾目)(0)
- Diplura(双尾目)(1)
- Dermaptera, Corrodentia(革翅目, 啮虫目) )(3)
- Collembola, Thysanoptera(弹尾目, 缨翅目)(0)
- Zoraptera(缺翅目)(6)
- Strepsiptera(捻翅目)(3)
- Plecoptera(襀翅目)(4)
- Chresmododea (黾脩)(2)
- Only in Burmite (缅珀特有)(32)
- Insect Speical Behavior(特殊行为)(28)
- Other Arthropoda(其他节肢动物)(9)
01-6472675168 (English)
01186-15987814426 (Mandarin)
chr8731@hotmail.com (English)
847249322@qq.com (Mandarin)
About Us
We are professional amber sellers and collectors, specialized in Burmite specimens. We often travel to Burma to collect Burmite fos-sils from the miners or dealers directly, each specimen is carefully selected and examined, only specimens with superior quality are acquired.
We are engaged in providing Burmite specimens with top quality to scientists, researchers, private collectors, or anyone who loves Burmite fossils in the world. Many exciting discoveries and new findings had been published in science paper recent years, and some samples of Burmite specimen are provided by us!
Also, we run a store on eBay, the store name is BurmiteAmberFossil, it is only eBay store we have now, we never use other name to sell Burmite Amber Fossils. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, we are looking forward to working with you in the future.
eBay Store - BurmiteAmberFossil